Education is integral to the mission of the Church to proclaim the Good News.
Pope Benedict XVI
Religious Education for children in Kindergarten thru Eighth Grade begins on the Sunday following Labor Day and runs through the first Sunday of May.
We meet on Sundays at 9:00am and finish in time to attend the 10:30 Mass.
A detailed schedule is available in the nearby calendar.
The foundation of our program and of our lives is Jesus, with whom we encounter in a unique and profound way at Mass on Sundays. This is the responsibility that precedes all others and confirms all other activities as real or inauthentic. It is the first and fundamental component of our lives and of our program.
“What must I do to inherit eternal life,” the rich man asked Jesus. Annunciation’s religious education program stands in the position of both communicating the content of that which must be done to inherent eternal life, as well as being one of those items needed doing to obtain it.
Registration forms are located HERE. Please complete and return to the parish office.